Saturday, May 15, 2021

Life is a Rollercoaster

🎢 Happy Saturday

15th May 2021

I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to my fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.  Stephen Grellet

I am sat here once again looking at my tits hanging out on the birdfeeder.  One on each of my coconuts, they are such a lovely bunch, the birds are too.

 Life is certainly a rollercoaster as the song goes and its been an up and down time for us here at Ratty Towers but we're back on the upward climb until the next big dipper drops.

I have been keeping myself busy, I have finally finished all the blankets for Sam (my DDIL) and making a good headway into one for us although I am not sure on the colour but Billy likes it so it must be ok.

Oscar the Miniature Schnauzer is his usual mischievous little self but so lovely.  He should be called St Oscar he picks me up emotionally every single day.

What else have I done since my last post?

I spoke with my daughter Rebecca on her 40th birthday (3rd May) and she said she really liked her gift and card so that was good to hear.  I asked her what else she was doing on her birthday and in good old fashion Rebecca fashion got told nowt.

I rang her again the morning after to be told that her carer had arranged for her to have a small buffet which I was so shocked (but not surprised) to hear as I hadn't been invited and when I asked who had been invited she told me it was my mother and father's other daughter and husband.  I was so upset and I am sorry to say that at this point I lost the plot.  When asked why I wasn't invited she said she didn't know about it.  I emailed her carer immediately as I didn't trust myself to speak to her and was told "that due to Covid she didn't know what would be happening" I pointed out that she would have known the Covid restrictions on the morning of Rebecca's birthday so I could have been invited then.   I cried for hours and hours and Bill and my friend couldn't console me.  I feel I have been stabbed in the heart and the back once again..  Anyway, lets move on.

On the previous Saturday we had a barbecue for Bill's birthday and Sam, Ste and the grandchildren (group of 6) came and my heart filled with love when Darcy jumped out the car arms wide open shouting Nana and threw herself into my arms.  Heart healing it was.  The weather was on our side and we had a lovely afternoon outside apart from Oscar grumbling because he was in his crate as Eva is suddenly terrified of dogs especially if they jump up and Oscar loves a good jump!

The BBQ was our very first ever so it was a bit of trial and error but the food was great, and so was the Gin.

Bill loved his present of the Owl complete with frame and it now sits proudly on the hearth looking at us.  I have to say I am so proud of this achievement.  He loved his card too (see previous post).

Since then I have lived in either the craft room or the bedroom just wanting to be on my own as this is what I do when I am upset and hurting.  I have read so many books I have surprised myself .

I finished the Beekeepers Promise and it was an amazing read. It is the same family as in the Dressmakers Gift but from the country rather than the city of Paris. I gave it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I then read the Music Box Murders by Roger Silverwood as usual it was a good but not gripping read.  I gave it ⭐⭐⭐ as indeed Tied to Murder by Brian Battison I had solved the crime 3/4 way through but had to finish it to see if I was right again a ⭐⭐⭐ read.  

My next read was the Flat Share it was absolutely fantastic.  That is all I am going to say but I would definitely recommend this amazing book. Definitely a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

I followed the Flat Share with The Cottage of Curiosities by Celia Anderson and whilst reading I felt a de ja vu moment thinking I had read it before but then I knew I hadn't.  I then realised I had read another book by this author called 59 Memory Lane which was this books prequel.  If you love Cornwall you will love both these books. I give both books ⭐⭐⭐⭐

My next book - yes another - and more to come was the Sister's Twin by Jane Adams, this popped up as free on Kindle Unlimited it looked interesting so I thought I would give it a try.  I couldn't put it down.  If you are interested in Tarot readings and what different cards mean then you may enjoy this.  I give this a ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Next to drop into my Kindle was this little beauty.  This book spoke to me as the synopsis struck many chords with me and how greed and inheritance can be very toxic.  I'll say no more but it is an excellent read and give it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

My next wander through the world of crime was this book which I read from beginning to end in one long read so you may think it was an amazing read which as far as the plot went it was but the never ending "waffling" text I found a bit laborious and to be honest just skipped a lot of this waffle, hence why I read it in one go, I won't be reading any more from this author . ⭐⭐

And finally my last read was this totally beautiful book.  I popped up on my kindle as a suggested read and boy O boy am I glad I downloaded it.  It covers, grief, hate, love, break ups, murder, mafia, but it is so beautifully written I'm sure I will go back to it one day. All I can say is this is a ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ➕ read. Great if you are on a beach or sat in the sun with a glass of Italian wine.

These comments are my own personal opinion of what I have read and I am not paid or received any gifts for comments made.

Now I am off to play with my new Groovi Plates and hopefully will have some lovely pictures to share with you next time.

Have a lovely weekend and a pleasant and happy healthy week ahead.
