Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Totally F 'owl' ed

 Happy Wednesday

28th April

I am not a product of my circumstances.  I am the product of my decisions.  Stephen Covey

I've been very lapsed keeping my blog up to date recently but I have had some personal issues and to be honest I didn't feel in the right frame of mind to write, unless you wanted a blog full of darkness.  All I can say is that I have had some excellent news after the visit to the breast clinic - all clear nothing to worry about.

You may be puzzling about the title of today's blog.  It is because, as you know I love owls, and have yet to see a real live one in the wild.  Well, walking the dog whilst Bill was recovering from his scan at the weekend I spotted one, it was very early on a beautiful sunny morning I looked up and in the tree right in front of me I saw it.  I  got out my phone and took a photo.  I didn't get too close as Oscar can be a bit yappy and I didn't want him to cause my quarry to take flight.  As I got close I thought the Owl had what looked like to have a tail but of course that's impossible Owls don't have tails, BUT, this one did - it was a wooden carved owl someone had nailed to the tree.  Im not posting the photo because it is very blurred when zoomed in.

Did I tell you that the Arbour has been delivered and built and wrapped in fairy lights?  The shed is adorned  with a colourful hair net and the upcycled ladders and Pieris bushes look lovely with tiny little fairy lights thrown over them.  The Moroccan lights look amazing.  All in all a beautiful little courtyard.  Bill is adamant that we are going to get a small Chimenea I'm not to sure from a safety aspect. 

I have consoled my self my mostly reading as it meant I didn't have to get out of bed.  Here are my books and views

I have finished this book since my last post.  I have to say it was quite a hard read to start with but then I got into it and thoroughly enjoyed it.  It made me laugh and cry and gasp sometimes.

Verdict - a must read.

The Dressmakers Gift was a Kindle Unlimited with free audio so I chose to use the audio version, something I am getting to enjoy as listening doesn't hurt my wrists like holding a book or kindle sometimes does.  I can also crochet and listen at the same time (heaven).

If you have ever thought about reading about some of the women of the French Résistance in the 2nd World War then this is the book for you. You will laugh, cry, get really mad and feel so sad about what happened to lots of Jews in this terrible time.  I certainly opened my eyes.  The last few chapters left me gasping in anguish.

Would I recommend - Yes but not really a beach/holiday read.

These two books I read back to back.  They are as usual very good books my Roger Silverwood and his detective Mr Angel (Known as the man who always gets his man).  Read each one in one go.

Verdict - Would I recommend - Yes if you like a good mystery murder.

I first heard of Joanna Sheen in the crafting world.  But she has written a few books now which are both mysteries and very humorous.  It says what we all think (if we have) a very overbearing, nasty mother in law.  

Verdict - if you like a funny and light hearted murder mystery in the area of the Torbay Riviera then this book is for you.  Great read for a coach journey or long car journey (do not read and drive it is very dangerous). A good read.

This is my current read.   Again set in France starting in 1938.  I've only just started listening to this audio book so I will update you next time.

I have been dipping in and out of the craft room finishing things off but can't post some of them just yet.  All I can say is that I am up to date with my birthday cards.

I made this for my daughter who turns 40 next week - she won't read this blog - for those who don't know, my Daughter Rebecca lives with a carer in the community.  She suffered brain damage at birth and is very vulnerable and unable to look after herself safely.  She has lived with Rachel since she was 17 years old and it was the hardest thing for me to do to let her go, but the absolute best thing for her.  It is extremely difficult to know what to get her as she doesn't really have any idea of value or even sentimentality so we don't normally buy her valuable gifts as she would just give them away is someone said they liked them, she would say here you are you can have it.  However, this year we have made the decision to buy her a Pandora bangle so I hope she looks after it.  I have also passed on two of my charms, a guardian angel given to me by my parents other daughter after my mum died and a Pandora bag charm which was bought by the same person.  Rebecca would get these when I pop my clogs so thought she could have them now.

This is the card to accompany the artwork I have done for Bill for his birthday on BH Monday.  He is actually at home this year again due to shielding (don't ask) .  You Light up My Life is "our song" so is very sentimental.  Just have to find the words for inside.  Bill writes beautiful words in my cards which I can never match.  It was made by using stamps from Claritystamp then coloured using coloured pencils by Castle Arts , then blended with paper stub and finally polished up to give a lovely sheen.

It is going to be a long weekend celebrating Bill's birthday over the weekend.  Sammi, Ste and the grandchildren are coming which makes our 6 and we are hopefully going to try out our Barbecue, never used one before so it could be either delicious or disastrous.  As a good Cancerian though I will also have a Lasagne prepared and ready to go in the fridge if it all goes pear shaped.

Looking out the window and the tits are out again. 

Finally, more good news, my missing artwork has been found and put away safe waiting for framing in proper glass fronted frames.

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